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欢乐拼十下载:11月21日Prof. Mario Basletic学术报告

发布日期:2019-11-13   点击量:

   1121日(周),我们有幸邀请到萨格勒布大学Mario Basletic教授来为我们作题为Nonlinear electrical conductivity: what is it and how to measure it”的报告。报告时间为14:30-15:30,地点为IRC 308,请大家前来参加。

   报告摘要及Mario Basletic教授简历请见附件。  

We are so pleased to invite Mario Basletic, associate professor at University of Zagreb, to give us a talk entitled “Nonlinear electrical conductivity: what is it and how to measure it” during 14:30-15:30 on November 21 in IRC 308. Welcome to join us! Please find the attached file for the abstract of the talk and a CV of Prof.Mario Basletic.  


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